The Use of Crowd Mystery in Current GPS Systems

One of the concepts that scientists have been hard at work trying to figure out is crowd mystery also known as “Sheepdog mystery”. Though this is a concept that has gained a lot of attention recently, it is an idea that has been used for quite some time now. Sheepdogs, for instance, are known to make use of it when trying to herd sheep for as long as man has been practicing this form of agriculture.

How the Mystery Was Solved

In the past, scientists had no idea about the logic behind the use of crowd mystery. However, there was an advance in this recently that came about when a sheep-herding dog had a GPS sensor fitted. This was then used to track the paths that the dog took in order to control a herd of sheep. It was then found that it does this in two parts: first the dog consolidates the sheep, and then moves them toward a target.

The Application of This Information

The information from this research was used to develop algorithms that are now used in some GPS systems. For instance, when you use a route planner to map multiple locations, this technology can be used to analyze traffic flow and help you find the best route to use. Though this concept is relatively new, there are a few route planner apps that are being developed to be able to map multiple locations using this technology. If developed successfully, such apps will be very vital in crowd control and other related applications.

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